WikiFur Statistics


Article count (alternate)

Articles that contain at least one internal link and 200 characters readable text,
     disregarding wiki- and html codes, hidden links, etc.; also headers do not count
     (other columns are based on the official count method)

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top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  
top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  
top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  
top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  
top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  
top 1: ..22500 2: ..7000 3: ..2000 4: ..350 5: ..100 6: ..25  

Generated on Sunday December 29, 2024 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Saturday December 28, 2024
This script has been developed for Wikimedia and adapted for WikiFur.
Script version:2.3b
Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)

Charts rendered with Ploticus
WikiFur site administrator Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry