WikiFur Statistics



per day
meanlarger thaneditssizewordsinternalinterwikiimageexternalredirects
> 5> 100official> 200 cheditsbytes0.5 Kb2 Kb
Oct 15, 20151   2724 3.6180381%37% 94 kB6.9 k5019214454
Aug 20151   2724 3.6180381%37%194 kB6.9 k5019214454
Jul 20151   2623 3.7185385%38% 93 kB6.8 k4819214444
Jun 20151 1 2623 3.7185385%38%893 kB6.8 k4819214444
May 20151 1 2522 3.5181184%36%4388 kB6.4 k4718513413
Apr 2015112 1212 3.8196792%33%4546 kB3.4 k301275192
per day
meanlarger thaneditssizewordsinternalinterwikiimageexternalredirects
> 5> 100official> 200 cheditsbytes0.5 Kb2 Kb

x < 0%    0% < x < 25%    25% < x < 75%    75% < x

Wikifurries (registered users, incl. bots)
A = Wikifurries who edited at least 10 times since they arrived
B = Increase in wikifurries who edited at least 10 times since they arrived
C = Wikifurries who contributed 5 times or more in this month
D = Wikifurries who contributed 100 times or more in this month

Articles (excl. redirects)
E = Articles that contain at least one internal link
F = Articles that contain at least one internal link and 200 characters readable text,
     disregarding wiki- and html codes, hidden links, etc.; also headers do not count
     (other columns are based on the official count method)
G = New articles per day in this month
H = Mean number of revisions per article
I = Mean size of article in bytes
J = Percentage of articles with at least 0.5 Kb readable text (see F)
K = Percentage of articles with at least 2 Kb readable text (see F)

L = Edits in past month (incl. redirects, incl. unregistered contributors, incl. bots)
M = Combined size of all articles (incl. redirects)
N = Total number of words (excl. redirects, html/wiki codes and hidden links)

O = Total number of internal links (excl. redirects, stubs and link lists)
P = Total number of links to WikiFur sites in other languages
Q = Total number of images presented
R = Total number of links to other sites
S = Total number of redirects

3 recently absent wikifurries, ordered by number of contributions
only article edits are counted, not edits on discussion pages, etc

UserEditsFirst editLast edit
Редвіс_Сай184Apr 15, 2015183Jun 12, 2015125
Abysim26Apr 16, 2015182Apr 17, 2015181
GreenReaper34Apr 15, 2015183May 31, 2015137


Articles that contain at least one internal link and .. characters readable text,
disregarding wiki- and html codes, hidden links, etc.; also headers do not count
 (excl. redirects)

 < 32 B< 64 B< 128 B< 256 B< 512 B< 1 kB< 2 kB< 4 kB< 8 kB< 16 kB< 32 kB< 64 kB
Oct 15, 20150,0%11,1%11,1%14,8%18,5%33,3%62,9%88,8%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%
Sep 20150,0%11,1%11,1%14,8%18,5%33,3%62,9%88,8%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%
Aug 20150,0%11,1%11,1%14,8%18,5%33,3%62,9%88,8%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%
Jul 20150,0%11,5%11,5%15,3%15,3%30,7%61,5%88,4%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%
Jun 20150,0%11,5%11,5%15,3%15,3%30,7%61,5%88,4%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%
May 20150,0%12,0%12,0%16,0%16,0%32,0%64,0%88,0%100,0%100,0%100,0%100,0%
Apr 20150,0%0,0%0,0%8,3%8,3%33,3%66,6%91,6%99,9%99,9%99,9%99,9%


Database records per namespace / Categorised articles / Binaries (=namespace 6: images, sound files, etc)

1) Categories that are inserted via a template are not detected.

articles 1
Oct 15, 2015312720624 15      70%1127
Sep 2015312720624 15      70%1127
Aug 2015312720624 15      70%1127
Jul 2015302720624 15      69%1127
Jun 2015302720624 15      69%1127
May 2015282419624 15      72%1126
Apr 201514238614 4      33%125



Apr 2015

1: 2 wikifurries edited WUFF
2: 2 wikifurries edited Фурі
3: 1 wikifurries edited Теріантропія

May 2015

1: 2 wikifurries edited Inkbunny
2: 1 wikifurries edited Фурс’ют

Jun 2015

1: 1 wikifurries edited IRC

Generated on Wednesday March 12, 2025 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Tuesday March 11, 2025
This script has been developed for Wikimedia and adapted for WikiFur.
Script version:2.3b
Author:Erik Zachte (Web site)

WikiFur site administrator Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry