WikiFur Statistics


Wikipediani attivi

Wikipediani che hanno contribuito 5 volte o più in questo settimana

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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
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top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
 5: ..4 6: ..4 7: ..3 8: ..3  
top 1: ..100 2: ..15 3: ..7 4: ..5
 5: ..4 6: ..4 7: ..3 8: ..3  

Generate il Vederdì 20 Dicembre 2024 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Giovedì 19 Dicembre 2024
This script has been developed for Wikimedia and adapted for WikiFur.
Versione dello script:2.3b
Autore:Erik Zachte (Sito web)

Charts rendered with Ploticus
WikiFur site administrator Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry