WikiFur Statistics




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top 1: ..50,000,000 2: ..8,000,000 3: ..2,250,000 4: ..500,000 5: ..150,000  
top 1: ..50,000,000 2: ..8,000,000 3: ..2,250,000 4: ..500,000 5: ..150,000  
top 1: ..50,000,000 2: ..8,000,000 3: ..2,250,000 4: ..500,000 5: ..150,000  
top 1: ..50,000,000 2: ..8,000,000 3: ..2,250,000 4: ..500,000 5: ..150,000  
top 1: ..50,000,000 2: ..8,000,000 3: ..2,250,000 4: ..500,000 5: ..150,000  

生成月日火曜 2025年2月4日  from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to 月曜 2025年2月3日 
This script has been developed for Wikimedia and adapted for WikiFur.
作者:Erik Zachte (ホームページ)

訳 Tomos

Charts rendered with Ploticus
WikiFur site administrator Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry