WikiFur Statistics


Anzahl Artikel

Artikel, die mindestens einen Link enthalten

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Am rendern.... Bitte warten

top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  
top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  
top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  
top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  
top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  
top 1: ..25000 2: ..2000 3: ..700 4: ..250 5: ..80 6: ..30  

Erzeugt am Mittwoch 24 April 2024 from recent database dump files.
Data processed up to Dienstag 23 April 2024
This script has been developed for Wikimedia and adapted for WikiFur.
Version des Skripts:2.3b
Autor:Erik Zachte (Website)

Diagramme gerendert durch Ploticus
WikiFur site administrator Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry